Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good stuff

A nice way to spend one's evening is by going to one of those drug talk or latest update on some newly released drug made available to Malaysian docs.

The drug company would play by their book, the modus operandi includes a 1/2 - 1 hour talk by a physician who is an expert on the subject (whom is paid a hefty chunk of $$) at a nice venue usually a 5-star hotel.

Plus not to forget are all those free goodies up for grab like notepad, bags, cute pens etc so that the docs would never run out of ink in case they need to prescribe the new meds to their patients.

Last but not least, can anyone resist a free 7 -course or buffet dinner (those fresh osyters and all you can eat sushi) at the end of the talk, while gossiping about medical scandals and what not.

Whatt?? A form of bribery did you say?



Anonymous said...

nice blog..will add you in my link ..k?

SE7EN said...

Sure of coz!!

No problemo.. tankiu :)